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Selling FAQ's

  1. Is there any cost to list an item?
  2. How many listings can I have?
  3. Can I update a listing?
  4. What happens if the buyer does not complete the purchase after winning?
  5. How do I make shipping and payment arrangements?
  6. How will users know when I have posted an auction?
  7. Can I upload any file type when creating a new listing?
Is there any cost to list an item? 

Nope! There is never a cost to add, edit, or update a listing. Nug∞Link earns fees only on completed listings, when goods are sold and delivered.

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How many listings can I have? 

There is no limit to the number of listings you can have.

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Can I update a listing? 

Yes. Queued listings can be edited at anytime. Live items can also be edited until the first bid has been placed. This helps ensure the bidding members are not confused by changes.

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What happens if the buyer does not complete the purchase after winning? 

Nug∞Link has created the appropriate language in our user agreement and disclaimers to the bidders. When a bid is entered on your auction, it is a legally binding contract. Your entity has rights, just as you do when buyers do not follow through with payment on your traditional on-site auctions. Nug∞Link is a venue only, and is not responsible for any default on behalf of the bidders using the system.

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How do I make shipping and payment arrangements? 

The shipping and payment arrangements are selected by the Listing Member when they create the auction. The shipping details are noted for the bidder on the auction detail page. Any further details should be addressed via email or phone once a winning bidder is selected. Payments are always made directly to the Listing Member and NOT to Nug∞, Inc.

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How will users know when I have posted an auction? 

They will be able to find your auction by using our category listings or by performing a search. Bidders may also elect to receive a notification email when an item is listed in a category to which they have subscribed.

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Can I upload any file type when creating a new listing? 

Nug∞Link supports the following file types:

  • Images:   JPG,  JPEG,  PNG, or  GIF
  • Videos:   MOV,  MPEG4,  MP4, or  M4V
  • Attachments:    PDF,  DOC, or  DOCX

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